[Computer Engineering]

How to Start Your First Year of Computer Engineering

How to Start Your First Year of Computer Engineering

Every student has big dreams in college, but unfortunately, some students give up completely till the second or third year. One of the main reasons is that they don’t pay much attention to learning. At the beginning, they either don’t know what to do to get into the company they dream of. When students of the same age get good internship opportunities or perform well in competitions, they feel frustrated. The only thing you can do to avoid this feeling is to persevere from the start.

University days are the best time in anyone’s life. The first year itself is the best time. Because students make new friends, the more freedom you want, the more freedom you get. Because they are tired of the entrance exam study and now they want to have fun. There is nothing wrong with it. It should be interesting and discovering new things in college life, but it is good to start developing yourself so that this will not become a problem in your career.

Always make time for the career you want to pursue. Even if you only spend two or three hours to improve your skills, you will reach a different level within a year.

This article will tell you what you need. Whether you are a freshman or not, if you are an engineering or computer science student

Step 0 - Brushing up

First, increase your typing speed. From now on, you will always be dealing with the computer. If you are not typing fast, you will be at a disadvantage and you will waste a lot of time compared to others. Start doing touch typing, Try to learn keyboard shortcuts, this will save lot of your time.

GPA v/s Skills

Next is upskilling yourself. Most students think that only by getting good grades can they find a good job. That is the wrong way of thinking. You have to abide by some standards to sit down and accept the interview, but in the end all you see is how good your skill is. If you are looking for employees or you want to start your own startup, you need skills, not qualifications.

But again, this is another big mistake made by some students. If you do not meet the minimum standards, how will you demonstrate your skills? or how will you apply for a higher degree? so grades are also important.

Step 1 - Plan for Action

Try making your own pathway of learning new skills. For instance if you want to learn web development then plan your first month of the learning process, you can break down like you doing HTML and CSS in the first two weeks, then JavaScript, etc.

Don’t wait for others

The students think that they have the data structure and algorithm course in the second year, they will learn it in the second year, so they don’t worry about the topic at that time. time.

But what you really need to do is, if you have mastered the basics of a language, you have to learn part of the data structure, because this is one of the most important subjects for computer science students, in the interview you need to solve the problems that require a deep understanding of these topics, you need to explain your code, and you will be ask why you chose this data structure. If you did not learn these topics correctly, you will not be able answer any of these questions.

Step 2 - Work on Your Communication and Writing Skills

Students do not improve their communication skills and lose the opportunity to be selected for internships or projects. From the first year of university, you should begin to exercise on your communication and writing skills in order to be more confident in interviews and can express yourself correctly. To improve your writing skills, you can start writing your own blog, article or story.

Step 3 - Learn By Making Projects

Projects are a great way to learn anything and add something to your resume. While learning languages ​​or new skills, you should always complete multiple small projects. You will begin to understand the use case correctly, and as you succeed, your ability to solve problems will also improve our own stuff.

You also need some good projects to apply for your area of ​​interest to demonstrate your skills. Therefore, once you master the basics, you can start working on some real-time projects that you need. You can also collaborate with other developers or participate in open source projects to understand how git and GitHub works, and how the team handles large projects in the real world.

Step 4 - Don’t Try To Learn All at Once

First, you should focus on a language until you master it correctly. Some freshmen try to learn more and more languages instead of focusing on one language, and end up learning nothing.

Remember, if you are proficient in one of these languages, switching to the other language is not that difficult. But if you often try to change the grammar you won’t remember anyone, and no one will ask you how many languages ​​you know. In fact, you only need a language to clean up a company’s programming cycle. They want to see your problem-solving skills, not your memory skills.

Step 5 - Certificates are Not Everything

Many freshmen think certification is very important and try to get more certifications. If you have received a certificate to participate in the course or competition you requested, that’s great, but you should not participate in any competition just for certified webinars.

You should get involved to gain experience, learn new things or become better. Some students add certification sections to their resumes, but it is always better to complete some good projects for the skills mentioned in your resume than to obtain a certificate of courses in these skills. Even Google believes you don’t need a college degree to get a high paying tech job.

Final words

Pursuing career in Computer Science is not that easy, it seems too much burden and too much to learn, but in reality if you enjoy your work along with living every other aspect of life, it will be fun.

Along with studies try to give some time to your friends and family, hang out with them, go out for trekking and have fun!

Written by Neeraj Adhav